Joyous Living and Aging
Title: The World is Changing – Are You?
In this residential workshop we explored who we are as individuals and how it is we live and cope in a rapidly changing world. What does the world want and need from us? What do we need from the world? We learned ways to pay attention to what our own self communicates to us everyday, working in experiential exercises such as deep listening and reflection, guided visualizations, arts, yoga and body explorations. Participants increased their awareness of who we are working on such questions as, What matters to each one of us, really? As a community we support each other in the continually evolving world of today.
It is increasingly difficult to recognize our home any longer in these times of global change. As a group, the workshop participants engaged in exploration of these questions:
– Where are we going?
– What needs to fall apart? To be created?
– Where are the guideposts to show the way?
– How can we support one another?
– What walls are needed? Which are not?
– How can you find your way in these changing times?
This was the first of of residential workshops exploring aging and eldership.
For information on the upcoming workshops please email Nader and the Eldership Academy team: .
This workshop is a joint collaboration between us as both trainers and teachers, bringing diverse cross-cultural and educational backgrounds to the programming. Using psychosynthesis, existential and process oriented psychotherapy, yoga, mythology, storytelling, bodywork and creative arts – all available to us as modalities to deepen our understanding of ourselves. The goal was learn concrete skills available to us when dealing with what we do not know and with what is different from us. We asked questions such as how we encounter and understand what we are not accustomed to ‘seeing’ and ‘hearing’.
Working with the rich diversity within ourselves, we looked at understanding our inner and outer conflicts, helping us live with a greater degree of ease and joy in our lives.
Group work at the residential……
We collaborate to teach, serve and inspire one another.
Trainer & psychotherapist from Sweden working with Psychosynthesis, mythology and bodywork
Trainer yoga & art; storytelling, theatre, singing, poetry. Active in Italy, Norway & India.
Trainer, psychotherapist & coach. Manages and develops eldership communities in California.
Life coach, thai massage practitioner and social worker for children and families.
Throughout the millennia, we humans have been asking ourselves what makes life worth living. How can we know a life that completes us and achieves what we want to become? Wise elders, mystics, sages, seers, scholars: all have been sought to answer this question. In the last century, with increased secularization and the rise of the modern scientific attitude, the discipline of psychotherapy emerged as a new way to explore the worthwhile life.
by Nader Shabahangi, PhD, 2016
© 2023 Eldership Academy