

We use the term eldership with gratitude to Arnold and Amy Mindell, founders of Process Work. Max and Ellen Schupbach, co-creators of Process Work and founders of the Deep Democracy Institute (DDI), have been integral to our personal learning and applications of eldership. 

Next Farfa Retreat: April 23rd – 29th, 2023

During the residential retreat, we will explore a new attitude towards life and ageing. We will discuss the role of eldership in our our lives, communities and society in facilitating our personal experiences of joy. Using Arnold Mindell’s Processwork approach as well as hands-on Clay work, we look at how we engage within an ever changing world. Through group interactions, short theoretical presentations, and inner work exercises we will unfold our personal learning path. In an open-minded space participants guide the path of our process with questions, experiences, and in bringing deepest inspirations into the group and our world.

Join us in Italy for our next immersive residential retreat! Please visit our retreat page to find out more about the residentials! 

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A Letter From Nader

Learning to Become Wise Elders at Any Age

Eldership is a role all of us can inhabit regardless of age. Eldership qualities are grounded in timeless human virtues such as a non-judgmental attitude, patience, presence, deep listening, non-polarizing language, and curiosity towards the known and unknown. 

We facilitate the study of eldership, the ability to listen to our inner voice, the inner wise elder. If we can slow down enough, be present, we can hear our ‘inner elder’. In so doing, we hope to explore the question, “What is a life worth living?” We propose growing into an aware elder, not just an older person. 

Wise Elders are more important than ever as listeners and guides for our communities who search for pathways to many of today’s social and planetary challenges.  

Eldership affords us the opportunity for a more joyous approach to living and aging.

Welcome Lynne Ruth Miller

We are so pleased to welcome back Lynn Ruth Miller, stand-up comedienne defying ageism, to this year’s Eldership Workshop!

She started her comedy career at 71. She made it to Las Vegas in America’s Got Talent, 2008, won People’s Choice in 2009 Branson Comedy Festival, the finals in Bill Word’s Funniest Female Contest 2009 and semi-finals in the SF International Comedy Competition, the top 100 in Britain’s Got Talent and won both nights of the Texas Burlesque Festival without taking off anything that matters. Now 85, it’s full steam ahead.